
Carolyn Zukowski · editor

Twenty-seven years ago, Carolyn moved from Maine to Southern Bohemia, where she and her Canadian husband now own and operate a writer-friendly guesthouse. She earned low-residency MFA and MA degrees with Distinction at MMU, and you can find her work in places like Orbis, Poetry Salzburg Review, RHINO, and SWWIM Every Day. One of her greatest joys (besides foreign mail or a sizeable snowfall) is discovering new & unheard voices buried in the slush pile.

Kristen McHenry · reader

Kristen McHenry is a poet, blogger and writer who has a hard time answering the question, Where are you from? She’s lived in unforgiving places such as Alaska and Upper Michigan—the land of cold and choppy waters—before settling down in Seattle, Washington. In between managing volunteers at a hospital and bouts of writing, she plays vintage Tomb Raider and lifts heavy things at the gym. You can find her poetry and fiction online.

Colin Lewis · designer 

Colin is a Swedish-American writer, illustrator, designer and developer who loves to create digital products on the run. He helped found two literary publications, worked as a fiction editor, and has studied User Experience at Hyper Island and the Interaction Design Foundation. His resume also includes career-track stints as bagel baker, bellhop, supervisor of a giant Popsicle machine, and the shelving guy at the library who surreptitiously reads books in the stacks. He keeps irregular hours.

Kirsty Stegwazi · digital marketing strategist 

Kirsty Stegwazi is a Swedish-Australian artist who has spent much of her life as a professional musician and sound designer. Besides music & sound, she works with illustration, marketing, user research, and digital strategy. Never one to travel in a straight line, Kirsty has lived in many different countries and loves studying languages online. She currently lives in Portugal where she watches the sunset each evening over the Atlantic Ocean.

Michelle Taylor-Harris · reader, art advisor

After gleefully fleeing to Seattle at the first opportunity, it wasn’t long before Michelle gained a new appreciation for her home state of Maine and returned to raise a family. Currently a software tester and field hockey league organizer, she reads and sews and dreams of future travels.

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